

It’s been a childhood dream of mine to one day sporadically transform into a Disney Princess. On our adventures around Ontario, I fantasized about befriending wild animals and serenading them with sweet melodies like the princesses do in the classics. When Ronnie and I ventured out to Algonquin Park for the second time and endeavored on our 10km hike, we encountered a curious chipmunk. As we snacked away on our miniature packs of guacamole and rice crackers, a little chipmunk, whom we so aptly named ‘Alvin’ scurried up to me. Catching me by surprise, I jumped up. Alvin seemed intent on getting close to me he would rush back to the bushes and then draw nearer. Was he playing hard to get? Sorry, Alvin, you’re not exactly my species.

On the most bizarre of journeys, we consistently encountered chipmunks who were seemingly getting too close for comfort. So much so that I became skittish and almost paranoid about whether or not they were following me. Do all Disney princesses go through a period of paranoia among little critters prior to accepting Princesshood? Let’s pretend they do.

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  1. Michelle wu says:

    Great. Love it


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