When Happy Happens

Every time Ronnie and I go on a trek and we capture some 500 pictures, we’re well aware that there are poses to be perfected and edits to be made. The reality is that beautiful pictures are frequently posed because the right kind of angles are necessary and with the kind of content we post…


The people who truly know me know (and make fun of) my strange fascination (obsession) with trees. There’s something about a grand tree that makes me stop in my tracks and slows the rest of the world down around me. I don’t know if I can pinpoint exactly what it is but it’s comparable to…

Fell for Fall

I don’t know if I’d ever truly experienced the beauty of the seasons until this past year. While this has greatly to do with my recent love and passion for adventure and nature, upon reflection, I discovered that my adoration for the seasons also has to do with the symbolic nature of these environmental changes. The…


It’s been a childhood dream of mine to one day sporadically transform into a Disney Princess. On our adventures around Ontario, I fantasized about befriending wild animals and serenading them with sweet melodies like the princesses do in the classics. When Ronnie and I ventured out to Algonquin Park for the second time and endeavored…

Breaking Out of the Big City

Let me introduce myself. I’m Jehan. Born and raised in Thailand and currently living in Toronto. A few months ago, the “Cute Clothes Green Grass” journey began. My best friend, Ronnie, and I were chatting with a friend of ours who described to us the stories of his youth. The days in which he ventured…